buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title P-Value Integrity Hub style.css header class hero nav div P-Value Integrity Hub class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Tutorials href #tutorials a Login class cta-button href login.html div class hero-content h1 Manage & Analyze Datasets with Integrity p A CRUD application to address p-value misuse in scientific research a Get Started class primary-button href login.html main section id features class features h2 Key Features div class feature-grid div class feature-card div 📊 class feature-icon h3 Data Management p Upload, validate, and store datasets securely. div class feature-card div 🔍 class feature-icon h3 Automated Analysis p Detect p-value misuse with real-time feedback. div class feature-card div 🛠️ class feature-icon h3 Version Control p Track changes and revert to previous versions. div class feature-card div 🤝 class feature-icon h3 Collaboration p Share datasets and collaborate in real-time. section id tutorials class tutorials h2 Educational Resources div class tutorial-grid div class tutorial-card h3 Understanding P-Values p Learn the basics of p-values and their proper use. div class tutorial-card h3 Avoiding P-Hacking p Discover strategies to prevent p-hacking. div class tutorial-card h3 Pre-Registration p Understand the importance of pre-registering studies. footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Documentation href #features a Community href #tutorials a Blog href blog.html p Empowering researchers to uphold statistical integrity. script.js